Another convention has come and gone….
As always, we had a great time, and even more so because we
were all together. As Grizzly Abner mentioned on the show, tragedy struck his
life this past December. I will not venture past what he shared on the show,
but it is important to at least reiterate that initially when speaking of our
time there. Sometimes doing what you love with those who also love the same
things and who matter to you can make for a happy weekend. It appeared so in
his case and I know it was for me. It was nice for us to run around together
and blow off some steam all weekend, along with the folks from Freakhouse Flicks (!
The weekend was great! We made some great purchases, met
some celebrities, partied with old friends and made some new friends. We certainly hope to see them at future cons.
I could gush over convention life but you have heard us beat
that drum so I will keep it brief here. Plain and simple advice: Go to
conventions if you have not before or if you have been, then continue to! We
love seeing you there and meeting new faces. The horror community continues to
be amazing and we cannot wait until the next convention. Possibly some before
then, but we will be at Days of the Dead Indianapolis in June, so
make plans to join us! Many thanks to all of those who stopped and shared their
weekend with us and certainly to Horrorhound for putting on a very smooth and fun
show that weekend!
Until next time!
Beware of the moon….
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