Sunday, March 16, 2014

Episode 19 - The Leprechaun Franchise (A St. Paddy's Special) Afterthoughts

Let me start by wishing all of you a safe and happy St. Patrick’s Day! If you listened to the show already then you know we were drinking, notably me. I typically don’t and this episode demonstrates why, so enjoy that. While mixing the show and listening to the last third, it was as new for me as it was for you. I don’t even remember that courtesy of Evan Williams. At a few points in this episode I sound like Seth Rogen’s mother in Observe and Report. I love this holiday and come from a family that embraces much more than the drinking that comes with it. However, I do tend to get a little over zealous when celebrating. Hopefully, it was tolerable for you!

Now, I was rather harsh on these 6 Leprechaun movies but to me that is deservedly so. I tend to form my opinions weighted with what the effort was. Typically low-budget goofy films don’t warrant being ripped apart from a traditional standpoint. The first film is the only one I was excessively abrasive with, but it was because it has the feel of effort and money to a certain degree that was not put to proper use. I can find entertainment in horror films from the 1980’s and 1990’s that have no plot or money, just as long as they have a little charm (pun intended). My problem is that this movie misses the charm it could have. It just stays uninspired and lacking of its own identity as a film from start to finish. But it made money, and that is the end all in the film industry. This turd of a film uncovered the proverbial “pot of gold”, so it was only natural to see that it was time for sequels. Sadly there would be 5 in total that would take us to varying city landscapes, space, and even the ghetto (twice). I will not be talking about them, because I have had enough at this point. Watching them in preparation for the show and then talking about them on it was enough for a life time.

Whether St. Paddy’s is tomorrow, today, or has passed for you; we hope that you safely enjoy yourself, your company, and some traditions. Please come back to the show again, we won’t be out of control next time. Until then…

Beware of the moon
The Professor

PS – Thank you to my patient co-hosts for not beating me down physically or verbally during the show.  I really enjoyed hearing me explain my thoughts on Leprechaun 5 twice without being aware I had already done so or hearing myself say “juxtaposition” incorrectly on different occasions and “4 loaf clever”. I will be back next show stone cold sober! Thanks for listening!

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