Episode 3 - Sequels - Afterthoughts
When it comes to watching scary movies, I have always had a love for sequels. Well most of the time; but it has not always been pretty over the years. I can specifically remember one year I was so stoked for my rental selection from the Kroger video store. I was allowed to pick one film, and this was not just any film. This was a legitimate scary movie for grown-ups and the 3rd in a franchise that I had quickly grown to love. It was October, I had seen the first two, so naturally I chose Halloween III: Season of the Witch. I can vividly remember popping that movie on that night, and crying over it. Where the hell was Michael and my third helping to the formula I loved. Over the years I have come to understand why that film was what it was; but it did not matter one iota that night to me. So I cannot tell you that definitively, I have always enjoyed sequels.
However, I have never understood the uppity stance some take on movies that have numbers like 5, 8, 10, etc. in the title. That is like reviewing the experience of doing laundry for someone else. Obviously, one does not expect a groundbreaking, deeply involved film when they watch the 7th Jason movie. They are made to make money off of the loyal fan-base and the enjoyment of viewers. While many will rip whatever the current franchise is, there are those who are simply enjoying it. Paranormal Activity sequels, the Saw series before that, or the endless parade before those set out to do one thing: make money and keep fans. There is a place for films in different ways.
This upcoming weekend if presented with a M. Night marathon or a Hatchet triple feature; I think I know which one sounds more fun. That is not to discount the works of Mr. Shyamalan in the slightest, I am a fan. However, movies (especially in the horror genre) do not always have to be an experience, they can simply be fun. Which is what sequels ultimately are for! Universal studios recognized this (almost as soon as sound in the movies arrived) with the success of Dracula and Frankenstein and those movies are still beloved today as much as any films are. Probably more than any. My point is that no one cares or listens to the bashing of SAW IV or Friday the 13th Part 6 because that is a pointless critique. We already know, going into the film, what we are signing up for. We are simply returning to a place we enjoy...
Lastly, I must say that the recording of this episode was a blast. It was this past winter and there was a legitimate snowstorm coming through. Mad Chann and I, despite all logic, made the trip up with the weather looming. We arrived with a lot of pizza and tots to accompany the bourbon and cheap beer. The weather did not disappoint, because Mad Chann had to push my car out of Grizz's driveway the next morning. All in all, it was all worth it as we had a great time being snowed in together. I figure if listeners had even half of the fun listening that we did recording, then it is a success.
Thank you so much for listening and checking out our show and blog. It has been a blast thus far and it is only getting better. One last note is that if you are looking for a drinking game for the show, then take a shot every time I say "100%", it seems to be a problem. Until next time....
Beware of the moonThe Professor
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