However, I do understand why these films are not for everyone. They at times are just too over-the-top, offensive, and grimy to many. Some have grown exhausted with the white-trash look of all characters and the bottom of the barrel behavior that they embody. I honestly do understand the feelings that come from those who do not enjoy these films.
I only find agitation with the community who subscribe to the offended stance that is not applied to other films they enjoy. Endless films have paraded women around as topless promiscuous airheads. Films where they are being raped, slaughtered, and subjected sexually do not raise this same critique among many. Yet, The Devil's Rejects managed to offend viewers by the boat-loads with a few sentences. I understand the initial displeasure of said moments; but the criticism should be more consistent. Rather, just openly admit that you do not like the films of Zombie and leave it at that. Creating double-standards on the subject matter is transparent and less effective than simply saying you do not like the director.
While the movies do not offend me personally I do have limits as a patron and viewer. I can only be subjected to the same brand of film so many times. Rob Zombie's films can only be done so many times until the fan-base slims down to just the die-hard fans. I will be one of those to depart eventually unless he starts to really broaden his characters. If he does not, then that is certainly within his rights as an artist to do so. Unfortunately for the artists of the world, it is also the right of the viewer to grow tired of things and spend their money and time elsewhere. Personally, while I have loved the brand created thus far, I am starving to find some characters in his films that are completely different from the past. Being an excellent auteur does not mean that you marry that niche exclusively and permanently. Good directors step out of that comfort and entice the audience with a fresh film to watch. I am simply in dire need of some different archetypes and the styles they are garbed in. Educated clean people can be just as sinister and disturbing as well. I openly invite Mr. Zombie to step out of the comfort zone and show us the next phase of his repertoire. Otherwise, I wont be able to defend his work much longer.
Lastly, I would like to clarify that when I stated that listeners who do not like Rob Zombie films are stupid, I was kidding. These films are not masterpieces by any stretch of the imagination and certainly are viable choices to not appreciate. I was only kidding folks. Many listeners who do not like Rob Zombie films are astute film fans and I know that.
Thank you so much for taking some time to hang out with us again on this episode! That's all on my end and until next time....
Beware of the moon
The Professor
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