Saturday, May 14, 2016

Episode 68 - The Monster Mash 16 Afterthoughts

Without effort our mashes seem to bring together common themes with films from different eras and sub-genres. Maybe this can be done with any 3 films if you reach far enough? Not sure- but either way my common thought boils down to this: does the following of a film sway a viewer’s experience? I think it does.

The reason for this opinion is that it is applicable to hundreds, if not thousands of horror films that are deserving of equal celebration that their similar counterpart receive. There is absolutely no logic applied to the reactions of films at times, and I believe the reputation the film has plays a large part of that. I think this is the wrong way to watch movies, but so many of us do. I am guilty of this at times, but I also identify this fault and try to weigh it in my opinions. In the end, none of it can be right or wrong, as our ideas of a good movie are subjective. It is impossible for one fan to tell another fan that their opinion is wrong.

Tourist Trap is similar to Motel Hell in most ways, yet Motel Hell has a notably larger following. Brainscan tapped into the times with not only video games/virtual reality but they did it with the kid from T2. Body Bags is just as entertaining as any anthology- yet most people don’t know it, let alone that Carpenter directed it and acted in it! These films warrant just as much of a cult following as their counterparts but ultimately it just boils down to the unpredictable nature of consumers and what gains traction. The same thought can be applied to online video content today. You cannot create a viral video but rather you can only create the video. The viral phenomenon is birthed by the public only. Time, money, and happenstance; they all dictate what films leave behind for us. Ultimately it is up to us create the “cult-followings”. I guess in some form, that is what we are doing by airing this episode. Maybe you will join us in the process of inadvertently bringing others to these films ? We sure hope so! Until next time…

Beware the moon,

The Professor

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