This mash brought about 3 random movies, as per usual, for
us to discuss. Since we recorded this one, I have come back to one thing that
is relevant to this episode. Relevant in a way that is applicable to all
experience of consuming any type of art. However, in our neck of the woods, the
horror/cult/B film world, one cannot take a movie too seriously.
For me this is a vital part of how you discuss and absorb a
film. The reason I mention it now, is because within this particular episode,
the forgiveness to the films are not distributed equally. I find myself ready
to not fault The Tingler for dated cheap visuals at times or the utter
campy nonsense sporadically through Society. Yet, I am quick to shred Lords
of Salem for its ending that makes no attempt at any real coherent
conclusion. The reason why, I think is important to focus on, because commonly
people argue about film and never clarify this reason.
The filmmaker’s intent.
Rob Zombie was striving to make a big time film to be taken
seriously. He wanted to be judged on an accelerated level beyond
run-of-the-mill schlock. There is certainly nothing wrong with that but it is a
reality. Brian Yuzna and William Castle were trying to get asses in the seats
and for people to have a good time. Again, there is nothing wrong with that
approach in the slightest. Certainly both directions hold strong merit but on a
podcast or in an editorial review, or even a circle of friends, this must be
remembered. Why rip apart a film like The Tingler based on the same scale used
for The Exorcist? Lords of Salem wanted surrealism and a lingering gloom left
with the viewer more than it wanted traditional satisfaction from its viewers.
Oppositely, The Tingler wanted to make you have a good time and over 60 years
later it still is. Until next time….
Beware the moon
The Professor
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