Saturday, August 15, 2015

Episode 55 - The Ghoulies Franchise Afterthoughts

Folks, this one will be brief. Historically, I have not found much enjoyment in franchises with little killers. Critters and Child’s Play both had entry first films that I enjoyed and from there I got off the train. Leprechaun films? Well I would be happy to never watch a single one of them again. The humor for some reason in these films is usually of the lowest common denomination and I am not that scared of something that is 3 feet tall. These films by and large just do not bring me much entertainment value at all.

Ghoulies is no exception to this pattern of my tastes. I will say that Ghoulies part 2 and 3 brought me more enjoyment than the entries from the franchises mentioned above. Part 3 in particular really surprised me with enjoyment. Maybe because its just basically a co-ed movie with the ghoulies thrown in? I am not interested to explore that any further.

Regardless, if nothing else I can check these off my lists of those to watch as we navigate through horror cinema. You can’t love em all! Until next time...

Beware the moon
The Professor

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