Saturday, August 15, 2015

Episode 55 - The Ghoulies Franchise Afterthoughts

Folks, this one will be brief. Historically, I have not found much enjoyment in franchises with little killers. Critters and Child’s Play both had entry first films that I enjoyed and from there I got off the train. Leprechaun films? Well I would be happy to never watch a single one of them again. The humor for some reason in these films is usually of the lowest common denomination and I am not that scared of something that is 3 feet tall. These films by and large just do not bring me much entertainment value at all.

Ghoulies is no exception to this pattern of my tastes. I will say that Ghoulies part 2 and 3 brought me more enjoyment than the entries from the franchises mentioned above. Part 3 in particular really surprised me with enjoyment. Maybe because its just basically a co-ed movie with the ghoulies thrown in? I am not interested to explore that any further.

Regardless, if nothing else I can check these off my lists of those to watch as we navigate through horror cinema. You can’t love em all! Until next time...

Beware the moon
The Professor

Episode 55 - The Ghoulies Franchise

Listen in as we navigate through the Ghoulies (seminal and innovative) franchise! 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Episode 54 - The Monster Mash X Afterthoughts

What a joy it was to do this episode with my two friends and co-hosts! I hope that you, as listeners, felt the same way after listening to it. I love that we covered true fear and laughter, schlocky b-grade and top-tier work, old and new, independent and big budgeted movies. It was a juxtaposition that ultimately we set out to accomplish more often than not with this format. You already know my thoughts from the show on The Fly and Street Trash so I wont dwell on those. What I would like to divulge a little more on is not White Zombie but older horror in general.

Certainly by now, most of you have gathered that I love vintage horror dating back to the beginning of film. Silent horror, studio system era horror, 50’s atomic horror. I love all of the generations of scary movies and think that if you have some imagination and a basic understanding of film history you can really find a lot of pleasure in older films. What I have never done is try and get people to watch this in any form of persuasion. Watching and enjoying these films requires the viewer to do their homework and have the genuine interest. What I was afraid to do was push a film like White Zombie on my two co-hosts and listeners when they didn’t really have the interest. So when Mad Chann selected White Zombie I was floored! I was even more thrilled at the reaction and discussion on this episode from us that ensued. I know that both the Grizz and Mad are smart film fans, if they weren’t I would have never stuck with this show and I am sure the sentiment is the same for them.

However, this was uncharted territory covering an older film. I never wanted to cover these films unless we were going to take an academic approach to enjoying them. To watch a film from 1932 and not understand it’s time and capability is a disservice to the film and the viewer. I just feared covering these films and holding these films to the same standards of a film made 70 years later. I thought that our coverage of the movie was just right and I had a blast doing it. I hope that this branches us in to some older films in the future from time to time and maybe even turn a few listeners on to older films they have never watched.

Listeners, are there any old horror films you would like to hear us cover? LET US KNOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA!! Until next time

Beware the moon

The Professor

Episode 54 - The Monster Mash X

You know the drill by now! We each pick an individual movie to cover, free of any of theme between them. With this episode we all three managed to inadvertently reverse some of our tendencies in taste. Listen in and find out how!