Sunday, June 14, 2015

Episode 50 - The Psycho Franchise Afterthoughts

A notable occasion like our 50th episode called for a big-time topic like the Psycho franchise and all of its legacy and clout. Well the first installment that is. But in reality the franchise by and large is a fairly strong one throughout. Most likely, fans have will continue to summarily dismiss the idea of sequels to a classic like Psycho. The sequel to The Birds certainly didn’t help the cause in years after for people potentially interested in exploring the idea.  HOWEVER, as we discussed on the episode, these should not be skipped.

No, they certainly are not great films, but for what the task at hand was they exceeded most expectations. They explore a richer story before and after what we know in the classic original. They handle it with kid gloves for the most part in all 3 of the original sequels. With a stylized approach and interest in really furthering the story and its characters; these sequels deliver in a very fulfilling way. On the show we disagreed on favorites and their strength in comparison to others, but that’s ultimately semantics. All three are worth watching and if even just one of you listeners watches them now because of the vote of confidence then I will consider our show a success!

Fifty episodes adds up to be quite a few to look back on and I can only hope we continue on just as far, or farther. I have the best time watching some of these flicks and talking about them to share with you. It is a fun regimented way to blossom my hobby and lifelong love affair with horror cinema. To the many of you who have joined us on our experience thus far, we thank you. Your support in varying fashion means so much to us. Heres to fifty more! Until next time…

Beware the moon
The Professor
(Am I tenured at 50?)

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