As we approach our 50th episode it has been unbelievably refreshing to have three interesting and more importantly, new
films to talk about. Horror has been through some real ups and downs so far in
this young century. In this author’s humble opinion its been far more lows than
highs thus far. In an age of rehashed new visions of classics (a fancy way of
saying remake), regurgitated American versions of stand out foreign horror
films, and mindless “torture porn”; it is a rare occasion where we have the
chance to look at three new interesting films.
Now to say that these are truly
original ideas would be foolish, but as we are getting into a hundred years of
motion pictures, you can only create a new plot so often. Whether you view
these as rip-offs or just fresh, they are still worth talking about. The Babadook is
the winner of the three because it managed to accomplish a rare feat in the
horror genre by finding depth and poignancy while scaring you. It is a
richly made film full of meaning and stylization. Wolfcop has been made before
in a sense with Teen Wolf and it has its influences but it does its job well.
The same can be said for Starry Eyes (although I was mainly the only supporter
of this film) as it Rosemary’s Baby thrown on its head in Los
Angeles. These films were all made well and worth the
price of admission. They cover very different genre tropes and dig into very
different topics raning from the absurd to the utmost of serious human frailty.
They are modern horror.
Films that caught their own wildfire without
huge releases as the industry and fans continue to adapt to the film-going
experience in 2015. I hope that this is the sign of the future. With films like
It Follows recently coming out and some that are on the horizon, horror seems to
be headed in a good direction again.
Well for the moment at least… Until next
Beware the moon
The Professor