Saturday, February 14, 2015

Episode 43 - The Collector/The Collection Afterthoughts

 Like many of you, I have seen a ton of bad films and franchises. The Collector/The Collection are not the worst when deciding the appropriate entries in the pantheon of all time cinematic garbage. They certainly have their merits and are not worth  completely avoiding. However, to me they represent what is wrong with modern horror. The heart is missing from the genre (pun unintended) and it has grown exhausting for fans.

These days an occurrence like the Hatchet or Laid to Rest films shakes everything up because horror fans are not getting what they need and deserve very often. It has become virtually impossible for horror films to get the money or exposure that they once used to. No longer are the days of the golden decade (which we will be discussing in a later episode) where they were just putting these things out left and right. If you wanted camp, laughs, thrills, gore, nudity, iconic characters you need not look far as it was seemingly coming out every week. NOW it happens once every few years it seems. Which is really rather goofy, considering the passionate fans this genre has and all the money they will spend on what they love. Somewhere along the way these studios lost sight of that. Now I could go through the long litany of causes to blame but let’s not do that. Sure CGI and the dvd boom may have changed some of that. But honestly my point here is to at least be fair to these two films.

After mixing this show I realized we were pretty rough on these two movies and while most of it is deserved I do not think it as at the hands of the talent. I blame the culture and the shifts in the industry that have brought us here. When did horror become void of fun? With the exception of a few movies in the last 15 years it has been primarily stuffy, mean spirited, or torture porn. We have some guys fighting the good fight certainly. The Adam Greens, the Eli Roths, the Ti Wests and company are still trying to keep it fresh, fun, and inventive. Obviously our community profoundly adores and appreciates them.

So I just wanted to clarify that these movies, to me, are not bad because of who made them or was in them. They are bad because the genre is bad. Regurgitated plots from a year ago, remakes, butchered foreign remakes, its just all beat to death. I wish the studios would feel the pulse of this fan-base. Come to one of these conventions and see how many SAW t-shirts or cosplays for The Grudge you see. Films from 30 years ago are still making all of the extra money.

Sometimes I wonder if we will ever return to a more fun place for this genre? I sure hope so. For now we have 80 plus years of the fun stuff to revisit as much as we need to until then.

Until next time

Beware of the moon,

The Professor

Episode 43 - The Collector/The Collection

Join our now familiar voices as we discuss the recent successful "The Collector" and The Collection". Not our favorites but still a horror movie discussion either way!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Episode 42 - The Monster Mash V Afterthoughts

These three films were an interesting combination as they were very different. Additionally they are a very good reason why the Mash format is effective (at least for me). The likelihood of me committing to actually watching any of these 3 would have remained slim. Maybe I would have watched The Blob for the legendary special effects but that is still a reach. So all in all I am happy to have watched all 3 films because of this show.

The Host illustrated how different people can watch films. One way is not better than another but you can look out our reactions to the film and see how differently it can happen. Maybe the fact that it's a foreign film helps paint the this reality of our viewing experiences? I saw a film with CG that I found distracting at times but was impressed with the humanistic approach that left viewers caring about the characters. As I recall, my cohorts seemed to have opinions much the opposite of these items. Neither of us are wrong, as it is our experience watching. I just found that interesting.

One thing I want to re-emphasize is the art contained in 1983's The Keep. It is a very flawed film that is not the easiest watch. But it is also many other things including ambitious, moody, surreal and most importantly interesting. It contains a fantastic soundtrack from Tangerine Dream (RIP to the recently deceased leader of the band Edgar Froese) as well which if nothing else makes it worth while. Add in that you have a notable list of young actors and Director all of whom will go on to blossoming careers. So if you see this one on a convention table next time, maybe this will have sparked your interest enough to check it out. 

Until next time...

Beware of the moon,
The Professor

Episode 42 - The Monster Mash V

The Mash returns! After a few months of events, holidays, guests, etc. it was time to get back to this format for 3 fun, very different, one syllable titles. We hope you enjoy the show!