Sunday, November 2, 2014

Episode 34 - Campout Afterthoughts

This will be a brief entry because I feel that if you are truly interested in our campout, then you will join us next year. That is only said with sincerity but you cannot really recreate the intangibles here in writing. The atmosphere of horror fans camping together cannot be properly described. You just have to be there, and hopefully the episode shows that at least a little.

I did not have the pleasure of enjoying the full weekend but did arrive Saturday afternoon just in time to record this episode (hope you enjoyed) and get settled in for what would be a very cold but fun evening. We had a horror fan’s type of campout and had a lot of fun doing it. We watched two films that night (one Friday night), ate lots of delicious food, read ghost stories, and enjoyed the campfire, beer, and each other’s company. It was a blast and we hope we will see more of you next year! 

Until next year…..

Beware the moon

The Professor

Post script – if you are wondering, we watched Sleepaway Camp the first night and Friday the 13th/Hatchet the second night!

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