Monday, September 1, 2014

Episode 31 - The Critters Franchise Afterthoughts

The episode on Critters (and the franchise that followed) was a brief one. Likewise, this entry will be as short as well. They are not the worst films I have seen by any stretch of the imagination and I would not call them good either. They are exactly what they were meant to be. Fun little rental horror flicks with a parade of sequels to keep you entertained. They are not well made or scary in the slightest. But they do their job and I cannot knock that. Millions of faces over the years have plopped down in front of the idiot box on a Friday night and slapped these on with the intentions to have effortless fun. 

They accomplish that. 

I had never seen any of these movies before preparing for this show so I am glad to check them off of my list! We hope you enjoyed the shorter show and if you are a fan of the Critters films then tell us all about it! Sometimes a person’s particular love or nostalgia for a movie can spark a different perspective for others, so speak up if so! Until next time….

Beware of the moon

The Professor

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