Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Episode 33 - The Monster Mash III

It's here! Help us usher in the Halloween season with our newest episode! Three movies selected by the three of us for the Monster Mash. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Episode 32 - The Feast Trilogy Afterthoughts

 Let’s not waste any time getting to the point.

I do not like the Feast movies.

With that said, let me clarify at least a little on the matter. I do not think they are poorly made movies nor am I unfairly judging them on a scale with other films of different substance and magnitude. As I stated on the show, I probably judge the first one more harshly based on the existence of the sequels, fair or not.

When it comes to horror and comedy there is a thin line of excess for me. Once you have messed the chemistry up, you have lost me. Unfortunately, that is what happened in these films. An easy way to sum up my issue is this: you have these fantastically designed creatures who are used for intense action and thrilling scares and…..humping things. A lot of things. It isn't funny (unless you are 12) and is completely unnecessary. Again when you want to combine horror and comedy, there is a fine line. Here they crossed that line by the timing and choices for humor and it just completely made me disinterested in the movies. The sequels were abysmal to me, more of a chore to get through than any signs of entertainment. However, I can see other reasons why many would enjoy these and I say to all of them, enjoy! Just not for me.

Until next time

Beware the moon,

The Professor

Monday, September 1, 2014

Episode 31 - The Critters Franchise Afterthoughts

The episode on Critters (and the franchise that followed) was a brief one. Likewise, this entry will be as short as well. They are not the worst films I have seen by any stretch of the imagination and I would not call them good either. They are exactly what they were meant to be. Fun little rental horror flicks with a parade of sequels to keep you entertained. They are not well made or scary in the slightest. But they do their job and I cannot knock that. Millions of faces over the years have plopped down in front of the idiot box on a Friday night and slapped these on with the intentions to have effortless fun. 

They accomplish that. 

I had never seen any of these movies before preparing for this show so I am glad to check them off of my list! We hope you enjoyed the shorter show and if you are a fan of the Critters films then tell us all about it! Sometimes a person’s particular love or nostalgia for a movie can spark a different perspective for others, so speak up if so! Until next time….

Beware of the moon

The Professor

Episode 31 - The Critters Franchise

Sit in with us once again as we discuss the less than rich history of the Critters franchise in our shortest episode yet (we honestly tried)!