Sunday, August 3, 2014

Episode 27 - Monster Mash Afterthoughts

 We have arrived at a point in our young show where we see the need and desire to change up the format some. The “Monster Mash” is here.

Not for every show by any means but rather just to open the door to different topics and films to explore. Many great horror films do not fit into a box or a particular theme, sub-genre, or a notable person’s work. Consequently if we just stuck to our format that we have used to date, we would never touch on many films that all three of us and many of you find joy or interest in.

We are very excited because it helps us narrow a show down to a deeper (and at times richer) conversation. An easy example to use is modern indie horror films with this format. We have already (spoiler but not really) covered more than one in the first couple of shows we have recorded. Without this format we would be left to do a show (maybe with a sequel show) to cover specific titles we found notable and then be done with it. However, with the “Monster Mash” format we now can explore a couple of modern indie horrors each episode if we so feel inclined. Not to mention it keeps your hosts fresh on doing the show. Having the liberty to each pick a film we want to cover makes this a lot of fun. We are all exploring films we want to personally but it is also keeping us from burning ourselves out. Covering multiple franchises every month (many of which suck) can be a daunting chore if you let it become so. The good news we are not!

PLEASE give us feedback on this experiment we are trying. We are very excited about it and we hope you are as well but if you do not tell us we will have no idea. The same goes for displeasure. We just find ourselves rejuvenated with this and I will not speak for the other two (although I am sure they would agree whole-heartedly) when I say that I love being able to go a little deeper on these films we pick. A stand alone movie needs more than 5 or 6 minutes to breeze through, especially when we have our reasons for picking them.

Thank you, as always for stopping by and opening your ears to us!

Beware of the moon
The Professor

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