There is an endless variety of filmgoers out there and you
undoubtedly know many different ones. Ones who seek a humanistic experience
from their movies or those who want excitement with their popcorn, there are so
many different types. We all seek different things from film on different days.
However, I do have one simple way of breaking most down into two categories:
those who allow themselves to be entertained and those who don’t. Jaws is a
perfect example of how to see this difference in viewers.

“You can tell the
shark is fake”
Words cannot describe how profound that clarification can be
for the rest of us when someone lets us in on their astute analysis. Be sure to
thank them when this happens. Give me a break folks; of course the shark is not
real. Typically wild beasts are not trained thespians. Beyond the simple and
obvious reasons why that is a stupid remark to make about a 40 year old film, it also lets us know who
can and cannot enjoy movies. These are the same people who have
never been "scared" by a movie. That is very admirable that you didn’t actually fear for
your life in a controlled environment like a movie theatre watching a
fictitious story on the big screen. These are the people who just do not get
it. When you encounter them, immediately just nod in agreement because any form
of debate or further conversation will only leave you scratching your head on
why they even go to the movies.
Watching movies with enjoyment requires some viewer effort.
You do not have to psyche yourself out but you need to be open to the movie. I
have never actually feared for my safety with a scary movie, but I have let it
get under my skin. I LOVED every minute of it and that is why we are all here, the love of the big screen. For every movie that scares
you, there will be 3 people to tell you that it didn’t affect them. Their loss.
If you go in to any movie thinking it is going to be bad or not interesting,
then it will almost always be bad and uninteresting for you. However, if
allow yourself to be told a story, to be enlightened or simply entertained then
you can appreciate a film like JAWS. Its classic 3 acts of storytelling is a
treat every time I watch it and to learn all that occurred to almost end this
movie before it was done is jaw-dropping (pun intended). So next time you are excited to talk about a horror movie you watched and your friend says for the 100th time, "wasn't scary", just nod and in the future quit talking to them about these movies, there are millions out there who actually enjoy them (including the three of us).
Hopefully this detour is welcomed because honestly, we
talked about the JAWS films enough on the show. I see this as one of the best
examples as a catalyst for what type of viewer someone is. If you watch Jaws
and your main reaction is to talk about the shark looking fake then you are
missing everything…
Until next time…
Beware of the moon
The Professor
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