Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Episode 243 - The Top 10s: The 1950s

Halloween is over but for most of us the season never really ends, so join us as we continue our new top 10 series where we are picking our favorites by decade. This time we are talking about the finest offerings from a decade full of atomic horror, William Castle, Vincent Price, creatures and Roger Corman – the 1950s! We hope you all are enjoying this theme as much as we are! Available now on itunes, podbean and our blog.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Episode 242 - Monsterpiece Theater 6

As we hit the midway point of October, join us as we discuss two beloved classics in Peter Jackson’s “Dead Alive” (1992) and John Carpenter’s “The Fog” (1980). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks as always for listening and Happy Halloween!