Saturday, September 30, 2023

Episode 241 - The Alien Quadrilogy

Hey everyone! It is October 1st which means we made it to the best time of the year and to get things rolling we are taking a look at a big topic - the original 4 Alien movies. Some of the best filmmaking of all-time is to be discussed and some that, well, is not. So lend us your ears as we talk about it all - available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks as always for listening and Happy October!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Episode 240 - True Crime 18 - Charles Whitman & "Targets"

Time for a new episode and this time we are squeezing in one more true crime before the holiday seasons arrive! On this episode we take a look at the 1966 University of Texas Tower shootings in Austin and the wildly unique movie “Targets” that was released two years later. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks as always for listening!