Thursday, December 14, 2023

Episode 246 – The Silent Night Deadly Night Franchise

‘Tis the season for spending time with friends and of course watching some seasonal horror! So before we take a short break for the holidays we are enjoying both on this Midwest Monsters Family Christmas episode, as we tackle the “Silent Night, Deadly Night” Franchise with good friends of the show Jason “ the McRib” McCullough and Brent “They’re Coming To Get You” Terhune. This episode is now available on itunes, podbean and our blog. We will return with new episodes again on February 1st but until then, we are wishing you safe and happy holidays. Thanks for listening and we will see you in 2024!

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Episode 245 - The Monster Mash 60

It may be Christmas season but its business as usual here with us! We are back with another Monster Mash and this time we are looking at “Ed Wood” (1994 – Vinny), “Barbarian” (2022 – Grizz) and “The Masque of the Red Death” (1964 – Professor). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog.  Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Episode 244 - Horror Documentaries 6

We are back with our next installment of Horror Documentaries and this time we are talking about “Haunters” (2014 – Grizz), “Boris Karloff: The Man Behind the Monster” (2022 – Professor) and “At the Drive-In” (2017 – Vinny). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Episode 243 - The Top 10s: The 1950s

Halloween is over but for most of us the season never really ends, so join us as we continue our new top 10 series where we are picking our favorites by decade. This time we are talking about the finest offerings from a decade full of atomic horror, William Castle, Vincent Price, creatures and Roger Corman – the 1950s! We hope you all are enjoying this theme as much as we are! Available now on itunes, podbean and our blog.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Episode 242 - Monsterpiece Theater 6

As we hit the midway point of October, join us as we discuss two beloved classics in Peter Jackson’s “Dead Alive” (1992) and John Carpenter’s “The Fog” (1980). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks as always for listening and Happy Halloween!

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Episode 241 - The Alien Quadrilogy

Hey everyone! It is October 1st which means we made it to the best time of the year and to get things rolling we are taking a look at a big topic - the original 4 Alien movies. Some of the best filmmaking of all-time is to be discussed and some that, well, is not. So lend us your ears as we talk about it all - available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks as always for listening and Happy October!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Episode 240 - True Crime 18 - Charles Whitman & "Targets"

Time for a new episode and this time we are squeezing in one more true crime before the holiday seasons arrive! On this episode we take a look at the 1966 University of Texas Tower shootings in Austin and the wildly unique movie “Targets” that was released two years later. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks as always for listening! 

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Episode 239 - Werewolves A Roundtable Discussion

Gather round for a beloved topic on this show - werewolves! Listen in for a transformative discussion as we throw out some of the best offerings that this subgenre has had to offer over this years.


Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Monday, August 14, 2023

Episode 238 - The Monster Mash 59

Time for a brand new episode but with that old familiar format of the mash! On this episode we take a look at "Speak No Evil" (2022 - McRib), "The Hitcher" (1986 - Grizz), "Summer of 84" (2018 - Professor) and "Matinee" (1993 - Vinny). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Monday, July 31, 2023

Episode 237 -- Top Tens : The 1980s

Time for a new episode and a new recurring series of ranking favorites by decade! We are joined by the familiar Jason The McRib McCullough on this episode, as we all rank our top tens for the 1980s. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we did narrowing our lists down. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Friday, July 14, 2023

Episode 236 - True Crime 17 - The Murder of Sylvia Likens & "The Girl Next Door"

For our next true crime episode we are taking a look at the tragic torture and murder of Sylvia Likens in 1965. This horrific case was a Hoosier crime and a terribly sad one at that and while this story is a tough one to consume, it is important to remember. The movie we selected to take a look at was "The Girl Next Door"(2007). This episode is available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening! 

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Episode 235 - The Invisible Man Franchise

 "They've asked for it, the country bumpkins. This will give them a bit of a shock, something to write home about. A nice bedtime story for the kids, too, if they want it." - "The Invisible Man"(1931). Join us as we navigate Universal's "The Invisible Man" franchise that included 6 movies between 1933 and 1951. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. As always, thanks for listening!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Midwest Monsters Episode 234 - Horror Documentaries 5

 Although unintentional, its somehow been over a year since we looked at some horror documentaries! As you can imagine we were excited to jump back in and this time we took a look at "Turn Blue: The Short Life of Ghoulardi" (2009 - Vinny), "Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream" (2005 - Professor) and "Nightmares in Red, White and Blue: The Evolution of the American Horror Film" (2009 - Grizz). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Episode 233 - Home Invasion A Roundtable Discussion

Join us as we have a discussion on one of the most basic of fears put to screen since 1909- home invasion. Everyone needs a safe, happy place to call home so the idea of someone choosing to violate that, can make for some unpleasant but effective movies. As long as movies have existed, this topic has been explored so be sure to listen in as we take a look at what makes these movies work and some of the notable offerings over the years. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Episode 232 - The Hannibal Lecter Franchise

We have a delicious topic for you to devour, maybe even while having a friend for dinner? Listen in as we take a look at the Hannibal Lecter Franchise. We work our way through the entries in an unorthodox order and examine the highs and lows of this unique property. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Episode 231 - The Monster Mash 58

Our beloved Monster Mash had an unintentional break but we are back with 3 randomly selected movies and this time they are: "Neon Maniacs"(1986- Professor), "Grabbers"(2012-Grizz) and "Terrifed"(2017-Vinny). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening! 

Friday, April 14, 2023

Episode 230 - Monsterpiece Theatre 5

Join us for a discussion where we are taking a look at the beloved films "Robocop" and "From Dusk Till Dawn". These are two movies that both spawned franchises but as singular efforts are considered classics by most who grew up alongside them. While there is always the chance we could take a look at more of either franchise down the line, we couldn't resist the idea to jump head first into these infinitely rewatchable movies now. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Midwest Monsters Episode 229 - True Crime 16 - Changeling, Wineville and Walter Collins

After a small hiatus we have returned to our True Crime series with this unique episode on the disappearance of Walter Collins, the Wineville Chicken Coop Murders and Clint Eastwood's "Changeling"(2008) that takes a look at both. Impressively set in old LA, "Changeling" tells the story of one mother's nightmare and the nightmare that followed it. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Episode 228 - Cannibals

Quality Cannibal films, although not a long list, have yielded some potent movies over the years and some pretty divisive stances on them. Join us as we take a look at a few of the more notorious Italian Jungle Cannibal films, followed by a roundtable discussion on cannibalism in film over the years. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Episode 227 - The Halloween Trilogy (2018-22)

Evil dies tonight! Ok probably not, but we are at least going to talk about it! Comedian extraordinaire Brent Terhune is back with us again and this time to talk about David Gordon Green's recent Halloween Trilogy. Listen in as we take a look at these fairly polarizing entries in an already storied franchise and break down what worked and what didn't. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Episode 226 - 1983

Happy 40th Birthday to so many great movies this year! 1983 was a great year for moviegoers, especially horror fans; so join us as we discuss the jam-packed 1983 and hopefully we can inspire some 40 year anniversary viewings. Additionally we were joined by our good friend and comedian Brent Terhune, so we hope you enjoy the show. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening! 

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Episode 225 - The Phantasm Franchise

Greetings listeners! We have returned after a small break and are kicking off our slate of 2023 episodes with a revisit to the unique franchise Phantasm. Even better, standup comedian and fellow horror enthusiast Brent Terhune has joined us for some episodes and boyyyyy did we have fun! We originally covered the Phantasm movies on this show over 8 years ago, so on this go-around we've got numerous new perspectives and voices to add to the conversation on what proved again to be some challenging and unique films. We hope you enjoy this episode and thanks as always for listening. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog!