Friday, September 30, 2022

Episode 219 - The Children of the Corn Franchise

 Let us be the first to wish you a happy October and Halloween season! Our favorite franchise specialist Jason (the McRib) McCullough joins us again for another big franchise and this time its to harvest the best and the worst that the Children of the Corn Franchise has to offer. Originating from a Stephen King short story, COTC spawned a franchise of 10+ movies over the years and we have watched them all. Seriously. So don't be an outlander and instead get your favorite autumnal beverage and gather 'round to listen all about he who walks behind the rows, wont you? Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Episode 218 - Monsterpiece Theatre 3

As we ease into our favorite time of year, its time to take a look at a couple more beloved classics in "The Lost Boys" and "They Live". Each film has continued to gain new fans over the years, as both masterfully pull from classic themes but with a modern anti-authority spin. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

True Crime 15 - The West Memphis 3 and "Devil's Knot"

We are back loyal listeners and this time we are jumping into another true crime case and movie. On this episode we are taking a look at the somber and infuriating case of the Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills, the West Memphis Three and the 2013 film "Devil's Knot". We explore the unique elements of this case like our personal  participation in the case in the past, meeting a key player in it, the extensive documentaries and much, much more. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks as always for listening!