Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Episode 224 - Demons I & II

We are squeezing in one more episode before a short holiday break and this time it's "Demons" and "Demons 2"! Directed and Produced by Italian Genre Royalty in Lamberto Bava (Director) and Dario Argento (Producer), both films are aimed at entertaining first with heavy sfx work and jam-packed soundtracks of the era. Listen in as we discuss what makes these films a little different from their peers and what makes them work in general. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Episode 223 - Kindertrauma

 Join the guys as they look at horror through a little different lens; their youthful experiences! On this episode we are taking a look at what cinematically scared us as kids but wasn't necessarily intended to. This frequent childhood experience gave us a nice vehicle to step outside the usual genre fare and chat up some different types of movies. We hope you enjoy and always thank you for listening! Available now on iTunes, mixcloud and our blog.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Episode 222 - Scariest Moments

Sometimes all it takes is one perfectly crafted scare to cement a movie’s legacy and so on this episode we are discussing some of cinema’s scariest moments. Join us won’t you? Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Monday, October 31, 2022

Episode 221 - Monsterpiece Theatre 4

Halloween has come and gone on the calendar but not with you and not with us! Join us as we jump into two more beloved favorites with  “The Burbs” and “The Frighteners” on this newest installment of Monsterpiece theatre. Available now on iTunes, podbean a door blog. Thanks for listening!

Friday, October 14, 2022

Episode 220 - The Monster Mash 57

We hope your seasonal watch-list has already impressive so far but let us throw out 4 more for you as we take a look at "Cottage Country"(2013-Grizz), "Glorious"(2022 - Toddy), "Magic (1978-Vinny) and "God Told Me To (1975-Professor) on this newest installment of the Monster Mash. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening and Happy Halloween!

Friday, September 30, 2022

Episode 219 - The Children of the Corn Franchise

 Let us be the first to wish you a happy October and Halloween season! Our favorite franchise specialist Jason (the McRib) McCullough joins us again for another big franchise and this time its to harvest the best and the worst that the Children of the Corn Franchise has to offer. Originating from a Stephen King short story, COTC spawned a franchise of 10+ movies over the years and we have watched them all. Seriously. So don't be an outlander and instead get your favorite autumnal beverage and gather 'round to listen all about he who walks behind the rows, wont you? Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Episode 218 - Monsterpiece Theatre 3

As we ease into our favorite time of year, its time to take a look at a couple more beloved classics in "The Lost Boys" and "They Live". Each film has continued to gain new fans over the years, as both masterfully pull from classic themes but with a modern anti-authority spin. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

True Crime 15 - The West Memphis 3 and "Devil's Knot"

We are back loyal listeners and this time we are jumping into another true crime case and movie. On this episode we are taking a look at the somber and infuriating case of the Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills, the West Memphis Three and the 2013 film "Devil's Knot". We explore the unique elements of this case like our personal  participation in the case in the past, meeting a key player in it, the extensive documentaries and much, much more. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks as always for listening!

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Episode 216 - Aquatic Horror II: Creature Features - A Roundtable Discussion

As Summer wraps up with these dog days of Summer underway, we've got time to get back in the water one more time this year. Join us as we head back to another roundtable discussion on Aquatic horror and this time we are focusing on aquatic creature features! Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Episode 215 - The Best and Worst So Far

We have been podcasting for well over 8 years now, which naturally has had us watch quite a few movies along the sway. Join us for a little relaxed-fit discussion on some of our favorite and least-favorite selections we've covered so far. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Episode 214 - Dead End Sequels III

It is time for more Dead End Sequels and this time we are taking a look at "An American Werewolf in Paris" (1997 - Vinny), "American Psycho II: All American Girl" (2002- Grizz), "The Return of Swamp Thing" (1989 - Professor)  and "Gremlins 2: The New Batch" (1990 - Toddy). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Episode 213 - The Sleepaway Camp Franchise - A Revisit Special

Summer is in full swing, so we are headed back to Camp Arawak with a revisit to the Sleepaway Camp Franchise! Strange, funny, at times offputting, charming but always entertaining - this franchise shows its uniqueness throughout - so please join us for the conversation as we take a look at the original trilogy and the much later 4th film. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Man oh man, thanks for listening!

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Episode 212 - Summer Blockbusters

As we rapidly approach the heart of summer, we are taking a look back at the "Summer blockbuster" over the years.  Now a staple of the seasonal adult zeitgeist and a source of great wonder for young viewers, movies like  "The Omen" and "Jurassic Park", have become more than just water cooler talk but rather event viewings and true escapism. Join as we start with the 1975 birth of the blockbuster with "Jaws" and work our way through the years; looking at not only what the biggest blockbuster was but also the big horror release as well. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Episode 211 - The Monster Mash 56

Its time for a new episode but a familiar format as we jump into another Mash, so you already know the drill! Four random movies picked by each of us to take a look at and this time we are talking about: The Funhouse (1981 Grizz), Bones (2001 Toddy), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1997 Vinny) and Lifeforce (1985 Professor). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Episode 210 - The Prom Night Franchise

Just in time for Prom season, we have returned with the Prom Night Franchise and this time it is just a few days early!  With schedule complications this month, we preferred to get this to you a little earlier rather than late - so be sure to grab your date to the dance and listen to us navigate the unusual Prom Night movies. Now available on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening! 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Episode 209 - True Crime 14 - The Onion Field

We are back with another True Crime episode and this time we are taking a look at "The Onion Field". "The Onion Field" was not only an important piece of True Crime writing in the early 70s but it was also adapted into a 1979 film as well, both centering around the tragic events that took place on March 9, 1963. Be sure to join us as we take a look at the case, the book, and the movie now. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening! 

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Episode 208 - Horror Documentaries IV

On this next installment of Horror Documentaries we are discussing "Direct to Video: Straight to Video Horror of the 90s" (2019 - Toddy), "Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror (2021 - Professor), "Haunters: The Art of the Scare" (2017- Vinny) and "American Movie" (1999 - Grizz). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Episode 207 - Monsterpiece Theatre 2

We return with our next installment of our new Monsterpiece Theater series and this time we are taking a look at the underrated 80's werewolf flick "Silver Bullet" (1985) and Edgar Wright's comedy-horror classic "Shaun of the Dead" (2004). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening! 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Episode 206 - The Leprechaun Franchise - A Revisit Special

We are back with a festive revisit to the "Leprechaun" franchise just in time for St. Patrick's Day! Listen in for new perspectives and old hate, as we navigate the 8 franchise entries and are joined again by our good friend and former co-host Jason McCullough. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Monday, February 28, 2022

Episode 205 - Horror at the Oscars

Annnnnd the new episode is........Horror at the Oscars! It's Academy Award season and we thought we would take a minute to look back at the Academy's fickle history with our beloved Horror genre. We discuss the short list of genre winners and even some worthy contenders that didn't get their nominations. Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening! 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Episode 204 - The Monster Mash 55

Listen in as we jump into our next mash episode and this time we are taking a look at "Great White" (2021-Toddy) "Trollhunter" (2010-Grizz), "Don't Go in the House" (1979-Professor) and "Terrifier" (2016-Vinny). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Monday, January 31, 2022

Episode 203 - The Films of Rob Zombie - A Revisit Special

Nine years ago on our first night of recording and our second episode, we focused on the work of Rob Zombie. A permanently polarizing artist, join us as we revisit his filmography after nearly a decade of additional work and viewer reflection, alongside two different voices this time. Available now on iTunes, podbean, mixcloud and our blog. Thanks for listening!



Friday, January 14, 2022

Episode 202 - Monsterpiece Theatre 1

Introducing our new series: Monsterpiece Theatre! Over the course of over 200 episodes we have covered a lot of movies but in the process have also overlooked giving certain classics their deeper deserved focus. On this first installment we are taking a look at two sfx classics in  "An American Werewolf in London"(1981) and "The Thing"(1982). We hope you enjoy and as always, thank you for listening! Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog.




Saturday, January 1, 2022

Episode 201 - The Monster Mash 54

The new year has arrived but it’s still the same old shenanigans here! Join us for another mash as we take a look at Head of the Family (Vinny), Frankenhooker (Professor), Edge of the Axe (Grizzly) and Spookies (Hot Toddy). Available now on iTunes, podbean and our blog. Thanks for listening and Happy New Year!