Thursday, January 31, 2019

Episode 131 - The Maniac Cop Trilogy

You have the right to remain silent but we don't! On this episode in one of our shorter offerings, we take a look at the Maniac Cop trilogy. William Lustig combined two very popular movements in 80's cinema for this franchise that, while not massive, does have its following 30 years later. Have a listen to see where land on these films. Available now on iTunes, podbean, mixcloud and our blog. Don't forget to hope on iTunes and leave us a review!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Episode 130 - True Crime 3 - Jack the Ripper

“Another murder in East End! Hear all about it!” Join us as we take a look at “Jack the Ripper” - the 4th case in our True Crime Series. Over 130 years ago, someone slaughtered prostitutes in the streets of East London. From gruesome crime scenes to taunting letters addressed to the media and police, “Saucy Jack” quickly developed a permanent place in the global zeitgeist by defining what in many ways became the blueprint for a serial killer in the 20th century. Have a listen as we take a look at the case, the world back then, and some films centered around this famous case. Available now on Itunes, podbean, mixcloud and our blog. Thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Episode 129 - The Monster Mash 35

A new year is here but a familiar format returns with the Monster Mash in it's 35th installment. This time we take a look at Dead and Buried (1981), Messiah of Evil (1973), The Changeling (1980) and Mama (2013). Now available on iTunes, podbean, mixcloud and our blog. We hope you enjoy the show! Happy New year!