Friday, August 31, 2018

Episode 121 - True Crime I Part 2 Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy once said “We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere.” This fell right in line with the center of his modus operandi  which centered around attacking those with whom he had no connection to, while existing in a seemingly normal life to everyone else around him. He is still one of the hardest killer minds to understand as he was a savage psychopath who also saw moderate levels of success in higher learning and politics. He even had numerous good Samaritan events in his life!  Listen in as we try to understand the psychosis of this vile creature and how accurate the two part 1986 TV movie “The Deliberate Stranger” really was. Available now on iTunes, Podbean, mixcloud and our blog. We hope you enjoy the show.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Episode 121 - True Crime I Part 1 The Zodiac

Join us as we venture down a different path with true crime and its portrayal on the screen, big and small. A topic filled with the horrors of real life, with loss and tragedy but also ceaseless dedication for justice. Please know ahead of time this is not an in-depth analysis of cases but rather going over the basics and selecting what we think is the best available film on each case. Please know that there isn’t any odd fanaticism for criminals here either. As Sgt. Joe Friday would say “Just the facts ma’am”. On this inaugural episode we take a look at the “Zodiac Killer” and David Fincher’s “Zodiac” from 2007. Please let us know how you think this first episode went. Available now on iTunes, podbean, mixcloud and our blog. Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Episode 120 - The Monster Mash 32

You guys know the drill by now! On this Mash we bring together four random 80’s films with Deepstar Six (1989), Madman (1981), Christine (1983) and Hell Night (1981). Now available on iTunes, podbean, mixcloud and our blog. We hope you enjoy the show!