Sunday, January 31, 2016

Episode 62 - Winter Horror - Afterthoughts

Winter horror is personal horror in many ways. It is an intimate experience with much of it dealing with the marriage of isolation, personal demons and the subsequent terrors of it. This is probably why it is such a great vehicle for authors. Just see Stephen King’s list of excellent winter horror stories. Whether they are the two we covered in this episode or a story like “Storm of the Century”; they serve up a delicious piece of entertainment during a snowstorm on and off the page. Now, obviously it doesn’t need to be snowy outside to enjoy The Shining or Misery; but it sure as hell helps.

I am part of the unique and small percentage of human beings who love winter. I love having seasons in general but I have always enjoyed winter in particular. I like the toughened grooves that we all get in during these blistering months. I think it builds character and additionally it sets the mood for movie nights for most of us. To watch Jack Torrance staring out the window into the snow or noting the evolution of Kurt Russell’s frozen beard, is to enjoy cinema. I love getting tucked in for the night, hearing the wind whipping by the windows, and diving deeply into these horror films. It is a rich experience that I look forward to each year. Additionally, this cozy feeling accompanies what makes these movies so scary ……

Our characters have NOWHERE to go.

We are trapped in the Antarctic tundra with a group of men, one of whom is not who they appear to be. We are stranded for an entire winter season in the hills of Colorado with our father who has lost his mind and aided with a flock of spirits, all of whom want to harm us. These scenarios are scary. Having to stay inside with these things, is utterly terrifying and ultimately what catapult these films into the territory of greatness. For me there isn’t much better for film watching than this category and this time of year. Do you agree? Let us know on social media! Until next time…..

Beware the moon,

The Professor

Episode 62 - Winter Horror

Warm up your ears with our winter horror episode! This time we are joined again by none other than our good friend Ryan "Ry-Bones" Williams. Listen in as we discuss four different selected winter horror films, followed with a round-table discussion on other winter horror films. We hope you enjoy and stay warm friends! 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Episode 61 - Monster Mash XIII Afterthoughts

Nostalgia makes way for forgiveness when watching movies from our youth. Two of these films perfectly illustrate the different directions one can take when revisiting films viewed as a kid.

No need to dissect each film again, as that was what the episode was for. However, if you listened to the show, you know that we touched on the deeper subject matter in Pumpkinhead. Subject matter that certainly was not there for me as a child but is profoundly as much a part of this film as the creature is itself when I watch now. Forcing the viewer to look at our own mortality and the regret that can follow moments of weakness and anger during grief. These are super-sized topics masterfully intertwined in a popcorn film. It just works.

On the flip side, as an adult viewer, Children of the Corn does not hold up quite as well. While it was an incredibly crafted short story, the film is painfully dated visually and the storytelling gets sloppy. HOWEVER, I still find myself enjoying it, all the while knowing its not great. Because above all else, there are fond memories of fascination and fear with this film. And as you get older, doesn’t that trump all academic and critical approaches to film sometimes? Maybe not, but for many (myself included) it sure does. Sure I could focus on the weaker parts of the film and pick it apart, it wouldn’t be hard to do. But I think its important for film fans to remember from time to time that we watch movies by choice, to enjoy them and not to be superior critics

We all know many of these films from our youth aren’t very good, but they bring a familiarity and warmth just the same. So yes, generally speaking Children of the Corn is not a strong film, but it is for me.

How about you? What movies do you unconditionally forgive for nostalgic reasons? We would love to hear! Let us know on social media. For those of you who have begun following our instagram account, thanks! It has been extremely fun getting involved

there. Until next time…

Beware the moon,

The Professor 

Episode 61 - The Monster Mash XIII

It's officially a new year with a new episode for your consumption! We are back at it with another Mash episode where we take a look at Pumpkinhead, Children of the Corn, and the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead. We hope you enjoy the show and Happy New Year monsters!