Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Episode 82 - The Kids Are All Right

On this episode we take a look at youth groups battling monsters and dive deeper into The Monster Squad, The Gate and Stephen King's IT. Please note this episode suffers from digital interference again, like it did in Episode 80. This was recorded that same night and while it can be very bothersome at times, we hope that you will stick with it for the conversation that we feel went very well. As always, thanks for listening friends!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Episode 81 - The Frankenstein Legacy

Lend us your ears(!) or your hands, brains; just whatever else we need to piece this episode together. On this episode the Grizz and Professor are joined by Venomous Vinny to discuss the legacy of the Frankenstein story and its many adaptations. We hope you enjoy the show!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Episode 80 - The Monster Mash 20

The Monster Mash yields us a 20th offering of three films picked at random, this time with Rybones in and the Grizz out. Films covered this time around are: Lights Out (2016), Blood Diner (1987) and The Uninvited (2009). 

Please note that this episode was recorded with different equipment and contains some digital noise at times. We apologize for this and will be sure to improve this in the future. We hope you enjoy the show!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Episode 79 - The It's Alive Trilogy

Halloween season has to end but watching horror movies does not! Kick off November with us, as we take a look at a lesser known trilogy. The three It's Alive films have developed quite a cult following over the years and we wanted to know why? Available now on iTunes, mixcloud, podbean and our blog. We hope you enjoy the show!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Episode 78 - 31 Days of Halloween

Whether you've got your list of movies already mapped out or you are seeking ideas, be sure to listen in! The Grizz and Professor welcome in Vinny to the new format (of rotating hosting)  with a juicy topic: Halloween movies! We each hand-picked 31 movies for the 31 wonderful days of October and of course, discussed why for each. While we certainly missed having Mad Chann there, a good time was still had. We hope you are having a great season thus far and that you enjoy the show!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Episode 77 - The Monster Mash 19

We return after a bit of an unintentional break from our Mash format. On this episode we cover Chopping Mall, Popcorn, and Killer Klowns from Outer Space. We hope you enjoy the show! 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Episode 76 - The Tremors Franchise

Time for a mid-month episode and this time we have taken a look at the Tremors films! Available now on iTunes, mixcloud, podbean, and our blog. We hope you enjoy the show!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Episode 75 - The Re-Animator Trilogy

We've injected some new life into another franchise, as this time we visited the Re-Animator trilogy! We hope you enjoy the show!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Episode 74 - The Final Destination Franchise

We really did not have a choice on covering these films and it was inevitable in the end that we would watch them regardless of any scenarios thrown out there. We hope you enjoy the show!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Episode 73 - The Monster Mash 18

We return with our favorite format, the mash (and judging by the downloads many of you agree)! This time we cover C.H.U.D., Fade to Black and In the Mouth of Madness. We hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Episode 72 - Summer Horror: A roundtable discussion

Things have begun heating up, as it is that time of year, and so has our debates! Ok, not really- but we do give it the old college try here and cover what we define as "Summer Horror" and what we like to watch regularly for the season. We hope you enjoy the show!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Episode 71 - Zombie films: A roundtable discussion

Another roundtable discussion has occurred when we sat down to talk about the sub-genre of zombie films. We tried not to reanimate discussion on Romero's zombie films and covered quite a few! Listen in as we discuss all things zombies - past, present and future!


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Days of the Dead Indianapolis 2016

Another fun-filled weekend spent with the wonderful DOTD family has ended for the Midwest Monsters. While we already have our sights set on Louisville in just a little over two months, we do want to take a moment to not only get some pictures up but also to thank everyone. All of the DOTD fans, old and new, for being such a great presence. All of the hard working and caring volunteers who make the engine go. All of the warm celebrity guests who energize everyone's weekend. And most certainly those at the front of the DOTD machine, who not only work their asses off to make it fun for everyone, but who also allow us to do our own thing there. We enjoy it all so very much. THANK YOU EVERYONE.

**Click on pictures to enlarge**