Sunday, June 1, 2014

Episode 25 - The Phantasm Franchise - Afterthoughts

Fitting that our 25th episode is a special one.

When we started this podcast, one of the ideas that I looked forward to the most was the exploration of films and franchises that I hadn’t looked at before. Almost like a college course but one where we democratically pick the films. Films that, by and large, would never command the respect of a film professor like the works of a Truffaut or Kazan. Hopefully, in some way it is a course for you as well. One thing I love about the horror community is that it does not have a constant façade of bullshit superiority. Horror fans have no problem uttering “no I haven’t seen that one” or “no, what is that?” when needed. So I hope, in good confidence, that you are learning some along with us.

The longwinded start to this leads me to our topic we covered this week: the Phantasm Franchise. It is by far the most fun I have had learning since we started this show. Yes, I have learned things about films that I already knew well and loved, but this is the first instance where I have been turned on to a franchise that I was not previously interested in. I had seen the first Phantasm a few years back and while it had it’s merits in my eyes, it went along quietly with the horror movies I watched that year.

The storytelling, the labor of love and craft of Coscarelli, the unique blending and bending of many genres, the special effects, the chance to view a cast over 3 decades of film (soon to be five?). These are all reasons to watch the Phantasm films. You will leave them not being sure of many things but you will have fun. Phantasm is not for everyone but if it is for you then you are in store for a lot of fun.

Our Phantasm episode (that hopefully you have listened to) is our longest to date and is so for a multitude of reasons. I think the Phantasm films are special and gave us plenty to talk about. I think our guest Ryan was fantastic on the show and I am sure you agree. He was informed, articulate, and gracious. We hope he will come back and join us in the future. Bottom line is that I am very proud of this episode and I hope you enjoy it.

Until next time

Beware of the moon
The Professor

Episode 25 - The Phantasm Franchise

Boy(yyyyyy!!!!!!) did we have fun with this episode. We hope you will also as you listen in to us covering the tall man, the small people, the bizarre, and everything in between (that we could get a handle on!). Thanks for stopping by...